Thursday, April 30, 2009
Links and more links
Friday, April 24, 2009
Revised English Version
They have posted the entire New Testament, but much of that will be the unaltered ASV as work is still underway. Their intention is to have something for readers to use as work progresses. Updates will be posted as it goes along.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Catholic Public Domain Version
Bible Facsimiles
I love to see old Bibles. I also love collecting old Bibles. Unfortunately, many of the old Bibles are extremely expensive. But I am delighted to have facsimiles (like photocopies) instead. That's why I made the Bible Reader's Museum Store - to share those facsimiles with others.
Today, a site visitor asked to see a page from a Greek New Testament I suddenly realized I needed samples on my site. It would be a big help to be able to see what the print will look like before purchasing. Even these inexpensive facsimiles are a significant investment for many of us. So I spent the morning posting a random page from every Bible and book in the store. You should now see a link for a sample page at the end of each description. Sorry I didn't think of it before!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
YPTC Psalms and Selected Scriptures
New Translation, details unknown
Positive Infinity New Testament
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Pioneers' New Testament
Inclusive Bible
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Numerical Bible
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Wycliffe Bible
Friday, April 10, 2009
King James Version -- Twentieth Century Edition
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Revised Translation by J. M. Ray
Monday, April 6, 2009
Robert Crumb's version of Genesis
Sunday, April 5, 2009
New Link Section
Friday, April 3, 2009
Leet Bibles
Someone mentioned the "Leet Bible" to me recently. "Leet" means "elite." It's the so called hacker language that represents letters with other characters. An example is Isaiah 1:1 "tHe v!sioÑ oF ISa!a# t#E s0Ñ 0F @MoZ, WHi¢H hE S4W (øNCe®n!Ñ' JµÐ@# and JerUsa1Em N ThE Ð4yZ øF UzzI@h, jøT#4M, aHAz, AND #EZEkIA#, KiNGz øf JuDAH."
I got to thinking they might have seen one I didn't so I went looking. I found some I hadn't seen before (note that these are not serious translations or revisions and may contain offensive material):
- 1337 Bible (Leet Bible) is 50% done.
- Alan Gerow started making the 8i8l3 but suffered some system failure and lost the files. The link provided here is an example of using Internet Archive's Wayback Machine
- Gerow next developed a script to convert an existing text into the "Leet Speek" created the 1337 5p35K 8i813 (Wayback Machine link again). Gerow is not (or was not at the time of the projects) a Christian.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Holy New Covenant - update
Bible Web Links
This is an ongoing effort, obviously. Web links good today may disappear tomorrow. If files are available for download - grab them if you are at all interested. I've seen many sites disappear and the files cannot be found. Sometimes you can use the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine to view an evaporated web site.
And of course, if you know of a new version on the web please let me know.