Yockelson, Mitchell and Stephen Mansfield. MacArthur: America's General. Thomas Nelson, 2011. ISBN 978-1595552921. 240 Pages.
This book is a brief biography of General Douglas MacArthur. It begins with his grandfather and father. It tells about many aspects of MacArthur's life, not just his military career. It is probably best described as a short introduction to the history of this famous General.
I have not read any books about MacArthur before so this was an excellent starting point for me. I learned many things I never heard before (such as his mother accompanying him to West Point). The book gives a glimpse behind the public image to give us a better idea of Douglas MacArthur the person.
While the book does discuss his military career, it does so mostly in general. Those who are looking for a detailed account of his battles will not find it here. At times, it is difficult to keep track of what time period is being discussed. I would have preferred a little more historical information.
However, I chose this book because I wanted a quick read and hoped for an introduction to this great man's history. I got exactly that. The story moves smoothly, not bogging down in details. The writers did not attempt to excuse MacArthur's quirks nor did they attack his character. It appears to be quite truthful and direct.
I enjoyed reading this book and would get others in this series. This made for an enjoyable morning's reading. I came away with the good feeling of learning a bit more of our nation's history.
MacArthur: America's General (The Generals)
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