
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Restored Name King James Version

I found this Restored Name King James Version (#3) some time ago. I didn't list it anywhere as I thought it was the same as this Restored Name King James Version (#1). But a couple weeks ago I discovered that it has been modified. It is also different from this Restored Name King James Version (#2) since this one uses the Hebrew instead of "God" in Genesis 2:7. However, the preface in #1 and #2 are the same. It appears that #2 may be #1 with the Hebrew substituted where #1 uses "YHWH." I believe that #3 is actually a revision of The Sacred Name King James Bible since it has the same file structure and naming. Also, on the individual chapter pages, it still has the title "Sacred Name King James Version." In Genesis 2:6, however, #3 uses "YAH Elohim" instead of "YHVH ELOHIYM."

so here they are:
  1. Restored Name King James Version - YHWH Elohim
  2. Restored Name King James Version - hwhy Elohim, this version is possibly a revision of the above.
  3. Restored Name King James Version - YAH Elohim, this version is a revision of the following:
  4. The Sacred Name King James Bible - YHVH ELOHIYM

The ease with which copy/paste can be applied to freely available Bible files means those who study Bible versions face this kind of puzzle all the time. It is almost too easy to "publish" on the world wide web!


  1. Making the KJV harder to read. Brilliant!

  2. And speaking of "copy" and "paste" (regarding electronic Bible files) reminds me of Stephen Smith's recent talk concerning the inevitable "Franken-Bibles"
