
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Old English Bibles

I was privileged to receive a copy a while back of Old English Bibles: From the Fourteenth Century Wycliffite Bibles to the Seventeenth Century King James Bible by James A. Fowler. This excellent book gives history and facsimiles of the Wycliffe, Tyndale, Joye, Coverdale, Matthew, Taverner, Great, Geneva, Bishops, Douay-Rheims and King James Bibles. Each section gives several facsimile pages from these historical Bibles. General and New Testament titles are included as well as Biblical text. Many pages are illustrated or have elaborate initial lettering. One can read the first chapter of the Gospels in each version.

I occasionally give talks about the history of the English Bible as well as running a small museum at our church. This book will be an invaluable tool that allows me to show people pages from these old English Bibles. Instead of carrying a trunk full of facsimiles, I can bring one 8.5 x 11 inch paperback. This is a must-have for anyone interested in the history of our English Bible.

If you have balked at the high cost of full facsimiles of these Bibles, here is an affordable alternative. For just $20 USD (plus shipping) you can now read pages from 11 historical Bibles. (If you can read the middle English of the Wycliffe Bible.) Order your copy directly from Rev. Fowler on his store in paperback or in hardback.

I give this work a high rating and definitely recommend it!

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