I've just found a site called paperbackswap.com. I would call it a book trading center.
Here's the way it works: you post books you are willing to trade. People request those books and you mail them (you pay for postage). For each book you get a credit. Use your credits to requests books you want from other people who will mail them to you. You will get two credits just for signing up and listing 10 books.
There are currently about 2.7 million books available. One search using "Bible" as a keyword yielded 612 books. You can both search and browse the listings.
Posting books to share is easy - just type in the ISBN numbers. I've already had one requested that I posted yesterday. Mailing the books is easy too - the site gives you a mailing label in a PDF file. Download it, print it, wrap the book in the paper, tape it securely and take it to the Post!
If you are interested, please visit paperbackswap.com using this link. I will get credit for referring you.
I will try to post a follow-up when I receive my first book.