
Monday, September 16, 2024

THE BIBLE YOU DON'T KNOW (corrected copy)

Today's new version is THE BIBLE YOU DON'T KNOW (corrected copy) by Teresa Yap-Rendon. The Amazon page has samples for reading online. From the Amazon page:
To reiterate, the Bible, in its entirety, is perfect inasmuch as the Real Author of it is perfect. And because the original writers of the Scriptures were directly inspired by God Himself, by all means there are no mistakes in any of the original manuscripts. It's the scribes and the copyists that are not inspired by God who made all the errors and inconsistencies in interpreting and copying them, knowingly or unknowingly. On that note, I did not add to nor subtract from God's word, I just made the necessary corrections in all objectivity.
Thank you to BB again for this version!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

ETI Version

Today's version is the ETI Version (End Times Issue Version). This is the work of Dr. James Robertson. Scroll way down the page to find the Bible version. Thank you, BB!