There has long been a need for a translation of the Judaeo-Christian Bible that did not deliberately mistranslate certain words and sentences for the purpose of concealing that the biblical authors' beliefs were quite different from those of modern Jews, Christians and Muslims. For example, "The LORD" is a falsification of the proper name Yahweh, a god like Zeus or Jupiter. But the most blatant fraud has been the rendering of the Hebrew word allahiym as the male proper name, "God." Allahiym is neither a proper name nor singular nor unisexual. Al means a god. The suffix -ah is a feminine singular inflection, so that allah means "goddess." The suffix -iym is a masculine plural inflection, making allahiym a dual-sex, generic plural, "male and female gods," or, in the common gender, "gods." This translation corrects such falsifications.
This has many unusual renderings, such as the following:
With his fart he has filled the skies. His hand conjured up the swift serpent. (Job 26:13)
The New American Standard Bible renders this verse:
By His breath the heavens are cleared; His hand has pierced the fleeing serpent. (Job 26:13)
There are also notes interspersed with the text. This work is published by It is also available on Amazon.
----------------------------Addendum (12/28/2017)---------------------------------
I list every Bible I find. Some are translations, some are revisions, and some can be very offensive (or worse). The above item I found and listed without doing any further research. I don't have the time and good health I use to so I mainly just post notices that I found something. Pastor Tim Carpenter checked up further:
The author of "The Protestant Bible Correctly Translated" is NOT a Christian. He is atheist. This is NOT a bible, but rather is an attempt to discredit the bible. On the cover page of the book at Amazon, it says that it is FICTION. And in the introduction, it says that scholars know that the bible is a fictional novel. Therefore, this publication should not be considered as a real translation of the bible. It's NOT a bible, it's an attack against the bible.