I've always learned a lot from Billy Graham's writings. This book gives a topical approach to hundreds of short quotations from his teachings. There are quotes from his many books such as The Holy Spirit, Till Armageddon and many more. There are also quotes from Decision magazine and books by other authors containing quotes from Graham.
Topics include things such as Repentance, Conscience, Addiction, Conversion and many more. There are about 107 different topics covered in this book. The quotations range from very short ones ("The central message of the Bible is Jesus Christ.") to those consisting of 6 to 8 lines.
This book can serve as a devotional by just reading a topic or even just a few quotes each day. It can also be helpful when preaching a topical sermon. It also serves as a peek into Graham's longer writings. If a quote piques one's interest, the endnotes will point the reader to the source.
I find I use this more for a reference - looking up a particular topic for a good quotation or to point me to Graham's works where a topic is discussed in more detail. I would not read straight through this work. This would be a good addition to a church library.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers. This has not affected my review in any way.
Billy Graham in Quotes
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