
Friday, July 18, 2014

The Holy Bible in its Original Order (Bob Barney)

No, this isn't the work of the same title by Fred Coulter. This one is by Bob Barney, who runs the Plain Truth website. I first wrote about it back in 2012. It appears that it came out as a Kindle book last year. That is the only format I have been able to find. The full title on Amazon is "The Holy Bible - In Its Original Order - God's Words in RED." The advertisement on Amazon states:
The most unique Bible you have ever read. First, the Old Testament is divided into the correct order as Jesus read (yes modern Bibles are not arranged in the right order, or have the correct amount of books). Next, this Bible has every word of God in RED in both the Old Testament and New! The author's own translation trying to marry easier to understand English with the style of the King James.

1 comment:

  1. the Bible is available in print - It's actually five volumes, and quite costly (I make $1.00 per book the cost is Amazon) it is large print..
