Thursday, October 25, 2012
NET Bible: Synopsis of the Four Gospels
Here is a freebie for you today (thanks, Kevin): The Net Bible: Synopsis of the Four Gospels is free to download in PDF format. I could not get links for ordering the print version to work.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
EELBV Proofs are on my desk!
I received the proofs today for the Encyclopedia of English Language Bible Versions! Now I have to read my book again looking for errors. Then I create an index for the book. The book is scheduled to be sent to the printer on 11/16/2012. Things are coming together!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Parallel Apocrypha
For those of you interested in studying the apocryphal books, you might be interested in the The Parallel Apocrypha
by Oxford University Press. It contains the apocrypha in the Greek, Douay-Rheims, King James, New Revised Standard, New American, New Jerusalem, Today's English and Knox's version. Books included are Baruch, Bel and the Dragon, Ecclesiasticus, 1 & 2 Esdras, Esther, Judith, Letter of Jeremiah, 1 - 4 Maccabees, Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Jews, Prayer of Manasseh, Psalm 151, Susanna, Tobit and Wisdom of Solomon. There are introductory articles by Judith L. Kovacs, Sarah J. Tanzer, Demetrios J. Constantelos, John J. Collins, Mary Chilton Callaway, Walter J. Harrelson, D. A. Carson and John R. Kohlenberger III. Though it appears to be out of print now, there are many new and used copies available on Amazon.

The Parallel Apocrypha

The Parallel Apocrypha
Knox Bible released
I just got an e-mail from Baronius Press that the Knox Bible is now available for purchase. Baronius Press has a full page about the Knox Bible including a PDF containing sample pages.
The publisher also worked with to make the translation available on their website. You can visit BibleGateway's Blog to read about it or visit BibleGateway's Knox Bible page to read the translation for yourself.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
The Brick Bible: The New Testament
There is another volume in the Lego Bible series. It is The Brick Bible: The New Testament: A New Spin on the Story of Jesus
. It is also available for the Kindle
, though the extensive graphics mean only the Kindle Fire
series would display it well. If anyone has this or gets it, please feel free to send a review in comments or e-mail.

The Brick Bible: The New Testament: A New Spin on the Story of Jesus

The Brick Bible: The New Testament: A New Spin on the Story of Jesus
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Native Bible
Kevin finds another one! This is the Native Bible.
Drawing the Old Testament from the Greek Septuagint LXX, (dated by scholars about 1000 years older than the oldest copies of the Hebrew Masoretic Text), and the oldest sources for the New Testament, the Native Bible project is an effort to accurately translate the Bible from the oldest sources into the newest English words, without concern about the resulting message coming across as "primitive." It is an effort akin to the Transparent Bible Project...This version is available online or in software or as an Android app.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Knox Bible back in publication
Over at Catholic Bibles Timothy had a post about the Knox Bible coming back into publication. It isn't ready yet, but the publisher, Baronius Press, has a web site just for this new edition.
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